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Tom Rollert - January 2021

A Song Of Great Social Import To Frustrated Candidates

(Sung to the tune of Oh Lord Won’t You Buy Me a Mercedes Benz, by Janis Joplin)

by Tom Rollert, Vice President, Wray Executive Search

Oh Lord, won’t you bring me a new gig to do you know how much I’m hurting, I’m depending upon you I’ll wait by my email each day until two Oh Lord won’t you bring me a new gig to do

Oh Lord, I’ve been hurting and I’m here all alone Government handouts aren’t helping, I’m strapped to the bone Zoom interviews make me tired and so does the phone Oh Lord, I’ve been hurting and I’m here all alone

Oh Lord, stop me singing the blues night and day My attitude is frightening potential employers away They say I’ve got to smile and act like I’m OK Oh Lord, stop me singing the blues night and day

Oh Lord, I got an offer and I’m ready to begin It’s two levels below where I was before lockdowns kept me in But I’m determined to get results and prove that I can win Oh Lord, I got an offer and I’m ready to begin

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