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Executive Recruitment in Restaurant, Foodservice, Hospitality, Franchise & Retail

Exec recruitment in food
Compass with the words "Executive Search" in gold, bold letters.

We provide executive recruitment in restaurant, foodservice, hospitality, franchise, and retail; however, we are generalists in terms of discipline. We have substantial exposure and a significant professional network. Every consultant has served as an executive general manager in various segments of the industry. Our combined executive recruitment experience provides broad-based, cross-functional expertise to help you get the people you need for your business vision to reach fruition.


Finding the right leader for the right position at the right time is a complex challenge best met with the assistance of a firm that has a proven track record of success. Since 1972, Wray Executive Search has been a leader in executive recruitment for our target industry. As the premier provider of executive recruitment in C-level and middle management sectors, we provide full-service strategic partnership to our clients.

As executive recruitment specialists, our focus is on executive-level positions in varied disciplines, allowing our associates to concentrate solely on senior executives to deliver the best executive recruitment solutions for our clients’ leadership requirements. Our objective is to develop a long-term relationship that encourages a strategic partnership.


Our culture is collaborative; when you engage a Wray consultant, you get the entire Wray Team behind your executive search. We use a retention-focused recruitment methodology, identifying the best candidates by learning everything we can about them, from their skills and personality to what motivates them and drives them to succeed.


Using this executive recruitment methodology, we can decide how well a candidate aligns with your corporate goals and cultural and competency requirements. This comprehensive approach has made us one of the best specialist recruitment agencies available, helping you in finding tomorrow’s leaders today.

retail and consumer ex

Retail and Consumer Executive Search

Small specialty shops, large retailers or big-box superstores – all are finding it increasingly necessary to capture and retain executives with an “A Player” status. “A Player” executives have often made all the difference by drawing in quality executive talent and raising the general standard of the company. In the complicated world of retail, those at the helm of an organization require track records of success in order to face the challenges brought on by ever-changing, sophisticated and intricate retail markets. Our extensive experience and knowledge in the retail sector has enabled us to find and deliver relevant talent that meets, and often exceeds, client goals and expectations.



Executive looking out of his office window. Standing with hands on hips.

Contact us to discover how Wray Executive Search can improve your organization by creating relationships with the industry’s leading talent.


Consumer Product Executive Search

Consumer product companies often require executives who can drive change, challenge the status quo and build a winning team, while creating significant brand value. Even the world’s most recognized brands face the fiercest competition and meet with the toughest possible challenges. A consumer product company’s leadership is constantly under scrutiny being called on every day to overcome the challenges, as well as leverage the limitless possibilities, of a global marketplace.


As a long-time executive search firm with considerable expertise in consumer product executive search, Wray Executive Search knows the players. We understand the issues in finding the right talent with a proven track record. Give us the opportunity to identify the talent you need.

M&A Culture Integration

m and a culture


Wray adds value to clients both pre and post-merger completion


Culture integration services speed up the transition.

One key success factor for M&A is the length and nature of the transition period. It is our mission to provide communication flow, effective retention of valued people, retention and transfer of knowledge, facilitate required severance and minimize culture clash. These processes will enable rapid business integration of functions, policies, programs and roles to position the organization for sustainable performance.




Knowledge is power. Well executed cultural assessment and cultural integration are essential for highlighting differences in culture that may be the very reason to do the deal (or not), and identifying issues that need to be dealt with urgently.


What M&A culture integration services are available?

Services specifically tailored for each client and M&A transaction may include:

  • Culture Assessment to gain a snapshot of an organization’s current culture and potential issues to be addressed, as well as the desired future culture.

  • Culture comparisons to identify similarities and differences across organizations, geographies, levels, teams and other useful demographics.

  • In depth assessments of key leaders on both sides of the M&A resulting in recommendations concerning fit and maximization of post-merger effectiveness.

  • Precision Profiling of executives and team members to quickly determine the best fit for key roles and how to retain and motivate those you want to stay.

  • Communication plans and programs that candidly tell team members what is and will be happening through the M&A to reduce uncertainty and speed up the transition period.

  • Focus the entire team on the goals of the business and not the problems of the M&A.


The processes of cultural assessment and cultural integration, both conceptual and tactical, are integral in attaining post merger success. The earlier in the transaction we are involved in the process the greater the chance of M&A success.

Why a retained search? 

why retained search
Info graphic that says "The Difference is Commitment. As an employer, by putting a search firm on retainer, you are 100% assured of obtaining complete commitment to finding the "right" person to fill your need.

On a contingency basis, even though you may have a lot of recruiters looking for candidates, it is a lottery. Each contingency recruiter is going to send you who they have in their files that may or may not be close to your specifications. In the contingency business, speed of service rather than quality of service is key. With every additional recruiter on the assignment, each contingency firm gets more cautious about their investment of time and money into the assignment because the risk-reward ratio gets worse.


Under a retained search, we “head hunt” for the right candidate who is best suited to your job specifications and work environment. We will provide you with a limited pool of qualified candidates from which you can make your selection. If, by chance, the “right” candidate is not in that initial pool, you are guaranteed continuing search activity on the assignment until it is completed regardless of our cost.


Clearly, it is advantageous to choose retained search and gain the assurance of commitment.


Selecting a quality executive search firm such as Wray Executive Search for the following reasons further minimizes your risk:

  • 50 years of experience in the business.

  • ONE-YEAR guarantee on all placements.

  • Active search and recruitment of passive candidates.

  • Use of our industry contacts to source referrals for top or emerging talent.

  • Search and recruit from direct competitors or comparable companies.

  • Complete focus on their search instead of working on several openings.

  • Search and recruit candidates that match our client’s specifications.

  • In-depth initial candidate conversation and screening to ensure. This saves our clients time in the interview process.


Build your dream team by getting in touch with Wray today!

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